Martin Lücke
Männerbilder zwischen Konsum und Kommunismus
Die Konstruktion homosexueller Männlichkeit bei den Homosexuellen-Aktivisten Friedrich Radszuweit und Richard Linsert

Images of Men between Consumption ans Communism
The Construction of a Homosexual Masculinity bi Homosexual Activists Friedrich Radszuweit and Richard Lindert

English abstract

Concepts oft sexual identity are always gendered and use contemporary ideas of masculinity and femininity in constructing sexual identities. Often these constreuctions are diversely reinterpreted as well. Martin Lücke's article asks which images of masculinity were hegemonic in the concepts of homosexual identity in the works of activists Friedrich Radszuweit (1876-1932) and Richard Linsert (1899-1933). These concepts were created in the context of the political discourse of the Weimar republic.

Radszuweit’s widespread publication activities are used here to highlight the ways in which he created his ideas of homosexual masculinity. His concepts used insights from sexological theory. Radszuweit used these theories and their gender concepts to reinterpret them in his own publications. The communist homosexual activist Richard Linsert referred to a viril character oft male homosexuality and tried to legitimize homosexual sexuality within the framework of "Marxism and free love".

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