
In the World Wide Web you can find several offers and publications to the main focusses of our work. We could not list all websites here, but we have arranged a selection of other sites:

Please note the information at the bottom of this site!

in German in German

Centrum Schwule Geschichte, Köln

forum homosexualität münchen e.V.

Magnus Hirschfeld Gesellschaft, Berlin

Schwules Museum Berlin

Spinnboden. Archiv zur Entdeckung und Bewahrung der Frauenliebe e.V.

Archiv der deutschen Frauenbewegung, Kassel

AIM Gender

schwulenarchiv schweiz

Männerschwarm Verlag, Hamburg

Verfolgung homosexueller Männer und Frauen in Dortmund und Umgebung während der NS-Herrschaft

Paragraph 175

in English in English

Homodok-lesbisch archief, Amsterdam

ONE Institute. International Gay and Lesbian Archives, Los Angeles/CA, USA

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington D.C., USA

Gay and Lesbian Bisexual Transgender Historical Society, San Francisco, USA

International Museum of Gay and Lesbian History, San Francisco

The Lesbian Herstory Archives, New York, USA

The Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives, Toronto

Lesbian and Gay Archives and Libraries List for the United States

Women's Studies Programs, Departments, Research Centers, Archives and Libraries

The Lesbian History Project.
Links to Lesbian History on the Internet


You would like to suggest another link? Please mail to us here!

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