Michael Schön
Der Auftrag der Erinnerung.
Ein Essay anlässlich des 25-jährigen Bestehens des Schwulen Museums Berlin

In Service of Remembrance.
An Essay on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Gay Museum Berlin [Schwules Museum Berlin]

English abstract

Michael Schön uses the 25th anniversary of the Gay Museum Berlin to explore the notions of "remembrance" and "memory" in gay and lesbian contexts. The self-awareness of individuals and groups is a result of the knowledge of one’s own roots, one’s strengths and weaknesses. The triad "History – Identity – Self-Awareness" seems to be the intellectual foundation of the Gay Museum Berlin. The Museum was very successful in introducing the specific history of one segment of society to the general public. While the 1980s were characterized by the groundwork of establishing gay and lesbian history projects (not only in Berlin) in the first place, the 1990s, in contrast, witnessed a growing public interest in gay and lesbian history – albeit still on a small scale.

Especially, the historical profession in general, is slow to embrace this new field of research. Homosexuals in Germany seem to be achieving social integration and leave their outsider status behind. Still, they are far away from having the same reputation like other social groups. Hence, the work of the Gay Museum and other gay and lesbian history projects is still very important. The triad "History – Identity – Self-Awareness" as the foundation of their work will sustain well into the 21st century.

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