Beat Frischknecht
Caspar Wirz - eine "unstete Natur".
Versuch eines Porträts des Schweizer Theologen, Historikers und WhK-Aktivisten

Caspar Wirz - an "Unsettled Nature."
Studies for a Portrait of the Swiss theologian, Historian and WhK-Activist

English abstract

Caspar Wirz is an important personality in the Gay History of Switzerland. He is not only known for his theological studies on homosexuality and the Bible but also as chairman (Obmann) of Magnus Hirschfeld's WhK (Wissenschaftlich-humanitäres Komitee - Scientific-Humanitarian Committee). He was one of seven chairmen and the only Swiss.

Born in 1847 Wirz studied theology in Basel and Berlin and worked for twenty years as a protestant vicar in various Swiss parishes. He took leave from his office regularly and travelled extensively through Central Europe, Northern Africa and Turkey. His last post as a parish priest ended in a disaster and his conviction. Consequently he lived outside of Switzerland for most of his later life. In 1890 he decided to live and work in Italy. After starting careful research privately in the Vatican and Italian archives he soon continued his work as a commissioner of the Swiss Federal Archive until his death in 1915. His duty was to collect all files regarding Swiss matters and history by copying the original records and sending the copies to the Federal Archive in Berne, Switzerland. He published several reports on these items. In 1903 Wirz received a Doctorate of Philosophy, Honoris Causa from Zurich University for his eminent efforts on Swiss national history.

Wirz started his studies on homosexuality and homosexual behaviour very early in his life, and later established connection with the WhK during the first years of the 20th century. His membership was characterised by two specific features: Unlike most other members he never used a pseudonym, and his financial donations were unusually high. Wirz's most important contribution however was his book on homosexuals and the Bible Der Uranier vor Kirche und Schrift (The Uranian as seen by Church and Scripture). It was first published in 1904 in the annual report of the WhK, Jahrbuch für sexuelle Zwischenstufen (Yearbook for Sexual Intermediaries), and later published separately in an enlarged edition. His efforts for an open minded, exact, objective and humble understanding and explaining of what he called the "Word of God" makes him a pioneer even today.

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