Klaus-J. Lorenzen-Schmidt
Reichsgraf Christian Detlef Rantzau als Sodomit?
Eine politische Affäre im Norden des Alten Reiches (1715-1720)

Count Christian Detlef Rantzau a Sodomite?
A Political Affair in the North of the Holy Roman Empire (1715-1720)

English abstract

During a stay in Berlin in 1715 Count (Reichsgraf) Christian Detlef Rantzau (1670-1721) was arrested. He was accused of having tried to get sexual contacts with young servants, and of having committed homosexual acts with different persons in his county Holstein, as well as in Hamburg and Berlin. Rantzau's county of the same name was granted to his family in 1650 by the Duke of Holstein, who was King of Denmark at the same time. The already strained relations between Rantzau and the Duke were furthermore obstructed by the Count's indecent behaviour. But no political interest led to the imprisonment of the Count. The Margrave of Brandenburg and King in Prussia, Friedrich Wilhelm I., demanded a penalty of 50.000 Taler (later 30.000 Taler) from Count Ratzau. During 1715 and 1720 the Count remained in different prisons because he was not able to pay the penalty. Shortly after his release from prison after imperial intervention and his return to his county, he was assassinated near his manor house at Barmstedt (Holstein). His younger brother was accused to be involved in the murder and sentenced to imprisonment for life. Subsequently the Duke of Holstein took possession of the county. The interrogations of the witnesses in Berlin contain interesting details on homosexual practice at that time.

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