Klaus Sator
Tanz und Homosexualität.
Sexuelle Identitäten hinter und auf der Bühne

Dance and Homosexuality.
Sexual Identities On stage and Back stage

English abstract

Until the present day there has been no research on the role and significance of homosexual men and women in the hodtory of dance in the German-speaking countries. This article tries to offer a first evaluation based on text research, interviews with dancers, journalists and cultural scientists.

The research focuses on the importance of the development of modern dance as an anti-movement to classical ballet: an anti-movement that provides the basis for a sexual liberation of the artists. The article documents the influence of homo- and bisexual dance artists in the 20th century not only in dance but in the whole culture of the German speaking area. One focus is on their contradictory relationship to the "Third Reich" and their contribution to the arts of the Nazis. In addition the article focuses on the way that homo- and bisexual dance artists questioned the notion of heterosexuality and used their art to make their own sexuality an issue within their culture.

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