Erwin In het Panhuis
"Unendlich heterosexuelle Weiten"
Homosexualität in Star Trek

Homosexuality in Star Trek

English abstract

Star Trek is the world’s most famous Science Fiction series. In this article it is examined, in how far the portrayal of homosexuality in the various series‘ and movies suits the often propagated principle of the acceptance of all life-forms. While lesbian love and sexuality is completely left out in the classic series, and male homosexuality only appears in homophobic comments and stereotyping, the topic is presented more differentiated in the series The next Generation and appears in emancipatory contexts via cross-dressing, transforming creatures or the subject of gender roles as well. Regarding the later series Deep Space Nine and Voyager a drop in creativity and courage has to be reported concerning the producers. The episode "Rejoined" – which addresses the love of two women in an emancipatory way – will probably remain an exception.

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